Cat Charity Thrift Shops in Cape Town is like the city’s cat cafes but with a twist! Stocked with pre-loved gems that will elevate your wardrobe to catwalk status while helping the feral and less fortunate cats of the Mother City. These under the radar thrift shops are all about marvelous finds, sweet deals...
Cat Cardigans For Feline Fanatics
Whether you’re looking for a unique addition to your wardrobe or a gift for a fellow cat aficionado, this cardigan is sure to bring joy and warmth to any chilly day....
Fierce Feline Fashion: Cat Tapestry Pants
Unparagoned Cat Couture! KAT KULT featured these marvelous tapestry cat pants in a recent article they’ve done on cat tapestry and how the trend has been flooding the catwalks of famous designer houses....