Cats have a way to find their way into the hearts of humans, successfully charming their way through life and on a global scale. Certain countries are particularly known for their deep affection for domestic cats and their rich historical connections with Felis catus....
The First (And Only) Time A Cat Got Launched Into Space
In the history of space travel, there has been some brave animal astronauts like Laika the dog and Ham the chimpanzee. However, let’s not forget the feline pioneer Félicette, who in 1963 donned her space suit to become the first—and to date the only—cat to take the ultimate leap beyond the litter box!...
Who Invented The Cat Flap In A Door?
A seemingly random yet highly relevant question to pose among cat fanciers and feline fanatics. Before you grab the cat by the tail and launch it into space, it’s important to note that while there is a popular legend suggesting that Isaac Newton invented the cat door, he actually did not....
What Is Piloerection In Cats And What Causes It?
Today, we’re diving into the fascinating topic of feline erections—specifically, piloerection! And just to clarify, it’s certainly not a dirty word!...
Ancient Paw Print On A Pottery Fragment Discovered In Jerusalem Is The Oldest Known Evidence Of A Cat Kneading
Over a thousand years ago, a cat stumbled upon a fresh piece of pottery in Jerusalem and pressed its paws into the still-malleable clay. Recent analysis of the jug fragment has led archaeologists to declare this the oldest known evidence of a cat “kneading.”...
What Do You Call A Group Of Cats
A group of cats is commonly called a “clowder.” Other terms that can also be used are “glaring” or “pounce.”...
A Cat Consumes 173 Grams Of Fur Annually!
It’s quite fascinating that cats can consume up to 173 grams of fur annually, primarily through grooming themselves. This behavior is part of their natural instinct to keep clean, but it can lead to the formation of hairballs in the wee hours if they ingest too much fur....
Remembering The Cats Of World War I
Cats played a remarkable role during World War I amid the tumult of battles and the grim reality of life in the trenches. They were not just guardians against rats and mice on ships and in trenches but also offered solace and companionship to sailors and soldiers. Cats provided a sense of comfort and...
Why Is It Important To Neuter Or Spay Cats?
Neutering or spaying your house cat, or any cat for that matter, is imperative. There are many reasons for this, but the most important ones are to prevent unwanted litters, reduce the risk of certain diseases, and improve your cat’s behaviour. If you are considering getting a cat, or if you already have a...
The Most Expensive Cat Breed In The World
The Ashera cat is the world’s most expensive cat breed, with prices reaching up to $100,000 or more. This is due to its rarity and the fact that it is a hybrid breed, created by crossing an African serval, an Asian leopard cat, and a domestic house cat....