Cat Shelters in Cape Town

Adopt, don’t shop!

Thousands of unowned cats live outdoors and usually rely on people to provide them with food and shelter. Their sociability ranges from truly unsocialized feral cats to friendly stray cats who have become lost or have been abandoned. The cat sanctuaries and shelters of Cape Town believe that every cat deserves a life free from hunger or thirst, fear and distress, discomfort, pain, injury, or disease and that cats at risk for these are our responsibility to care for. Show your support. Adopt, don’t shop. Help these cat charities by donating your time or money.


Rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of cats and kittens in the South Peninsula.

Foster Love Animal Recue focuses on cats in need in the Southern Suburbs of Tokai in Cape Town.

Your support saves the lives of feral cats. With your help, Tuf Cat will make sure that feral cats around the campus are spayed/neutered and vaccinated.

Any animal  that is forgotten, abandoned (abused), lost, lonely, emaciated and neglected (FALLEN) is considered to be a Fallen Angel and therefore part of the focus area of this organisation.

The main focus of the Feral Cat Project in Sunningdale is Trap−Neuter−Return (TNR).

The voluntary rescue work by the Foster Moms at Foster Furry Friends aims to help alleviate animal suffering brought about by  human neglect and cruelty.

A haven for cats comprising of rescues, strays and dumped kittens/cats left behind by owners situated in the farmlands of the west coast in the Western Cape.

Bringing help and relieve the sick and suffering cats living within impoverished communities with the Cape Flats and informal settlements in the Cape Peninsula.

Caring for feral cats and rehoming the homeless cats and kittens of Cape Town.

TEARS has THE cat for you! Have a look and either sponsor or adopt a cat.

Kitty Shelter is a non-profit, no-kill cat welfare organisation in Cape Town and has been operating since 2000.

Steralisation, feral feed and all kitty things. The Bo Kaap Cat Action Group does its best to help where they can. So should you. Adopt, don’t shop!
A local animal welfare, known as FAW, serving the community of Fisantekraal as well as Morning Star, Klipheuwel, and surrounding farms.

Professional drinks hobbyist by day. Devoted Kat Angel at KAT KULT, all the time.
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