Cats have a way to find their way into the hearts of humans, successfully charming their way through life and on a global scale. Certain countries are particularly known for their deep affection for domestic cats and their rich historical connections with Felis catus.
Another aspect where cats really excel at in life is breeding kittens and on the regular! These demigods from fe-line-land will continue to breed and reproduce, leading to an endless cycle of litters with numerous kittens born repeatedly If cats are not neutered or spayed.
The 2025 World Population Review on cat populations by country highlights a well-known yet often overlooked fact on feline care that many cat parents tend to overlook, ever too conveniently. Until the paw-paw hits the fan, right?! Or, in this case, the cat rocks up out of the blue all knocked up, only to deliver a fresh litter of unwanted kittens inside the getabako. So best to prepare for kittens crawling out every single Jimmy Choo shoe you own for the next 8 weeks.
Ai, sh(j)oe!! Life teaches harsh lessons to those who abandon commitments and responsibilities.
Ai, sh(j)oe!! Shame on those who neglect to spay or neuter their cats and other pets.
Cats vs. Mankind
In all fairness, humans continue to significantly outnumber cats and other species globally. A sad but real tale of mankind’s epic journey towards self-destruction. For some, the pursuit of power and control appears to be paramount, yet all they do is cause pollution and destruction. If I could have one wish, it would be to never encounter such individuals. For their sake and mine.
Now that I got that off my chest, let’s redirect back to the feline rulers who get all my votes until death do us part. Let the riveting recollections of feline piloerections remind us how the billions of cats who left their paw prints on Earth and that one (and only) feline who ventured into space with nine lives to spare, many, many moons ago. Cats are mindful, unlike humans, reminding us all to live each moment like it the last and there is no tomorrowland.
5 Countries With More Cats Than Rats!
#1. Cats of the United States
Cat Population USA – 74.1 million
#2. Cats of China
Cat Population China – 53.1 million
#3. Cats of Russia
Cat Population Russia – 23.1 million
#4. Cats of Germany
Cat Population German: 15.2 million
#5. Cats of France
Cat Population France : 14.9 million
Global Growth In Cat Populations
In 2019, the German Embassy in Washington, DC, commemorated International Cat Day by sharing a Facebook post highlighting that the cat population in Germany stands at an impressive 13.7 million.
#20. Cats of South Africa
Ranked at #20, South Africa has a cat population of 2 million. A stark contrast to the top five cat populations, where cat colonies seem to generate more kittens than kids! However, the domestic cat population in the Rainbow Nation surpasses that of the cats of Netherlands, the cats of Portugal, the cats of Switzerland as well as the cats of Stockholm.
(#) Cats of Cape Town
Meanwhile in Cape Town, the feline citizens are counting cats and kittens like it’s going out of fashion. Cattonians are lining up clowders for the city’s inaugural Cat Sensus 2025, a free and open-to-all initiative designed to gather data about the cats of the Mother City.
Bag A Rat For Your Cat, Why Don’t You?
Rats For Cats
Introducing the Rats for Cats collection: because every feline deserves a flamboyant rat stuffed with catnip as a friend!