Next time you feel like feeding your feline some of the finest and most expensive cat food that money can buy, make sure you serve it in a Goyard Edmond Double Bowl for pets, listed for $5985 + $85 delivery on GRAILED.
In a case where money can buy the most expensive and pretentious cat feeding bowls in the world but it cannot buy common sense, luxury French Fashion brand Goyard Paris seems to believe not all humans are aware of the fact that one must always separate a cat’s water from their food.

The marketing department of Goyard seems to be of the impression that their filthy rich clientele and high-end target market have no clue how to feed cats, let alone other pets and heaven forbid children.
According to Goyard’s website, “The Edmond Double Bowl is made by our trunk and luggage workshop and borrows many trunk-maker references and codes. It has two Goyard-engraved bowls, ideal for separating food and water.“

Well, you don’t say! One would think humans who have $ 6000 / R 110,000 to spend on a bowl to feed their pussy cat would know this but seems not so. Should you be that person, educate yourself for cats’ sake and learn how to feed a kitten.
As the saying goes, money can buy a lot of things but not everything. Money can buy books but not knowledge, such as the case in point.
Seems like a pretty hefty penalty to pay for being dumb or simply senseless! Or is it? Something me and my cats will never know and care for!