Hairball Facts That Will Make You Choke

Hairballs and cats are not the best of friends. There’s a Hairball Awareness Day for a reason, after all. It’s therefore important to get your hairball facts straight in order to look after your cats and their wellbeing.

Here are five facts about hairballs that will make you choke.

1. They can be bigger than a baseball

The record for the biggest-ever hairball to be removed from a cat weighed in at a colossal 7.5 ounces and was 4.9 inches wide — that’s 1.9 inches bigger than a Major League Baseball!

2. They’re most common in warm months

Cats naturally consume more hair in the warmer months of spring and summer as their fur sheds more frequently to regulate their temperature.

3. The longer the hair, the bigger the ball

Breeds of cats with long hair like Persians and Maine Coons are far more likely to suffer from regular hairballs, as their long hair sheds more frequently and builds up faster.

4. Humans can get them

Any animal with hair can end up swallowing it, including humans — but it tends to be rabbits and cows that are the most susceptible.

5. They’re not actually balls

Contrary to their name, hairballs are tube-shaped, as they become elongated as they travel through the esophagus.

6. Cats consume 173 grams of fur per year

While the figure of 173 grams of fur consumed by cats per year may vary among individual cats and their grooming habits, it highlights a common behavior where cats ingest fur while grooming themselves. This fur is often regurgitated in the form of hairballs. Regular grooming and providing a balanced diet can help minimize hairballs and maintain a cat’s digestive health.

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