Fierce Feline Fashion: Cat Tapestry Pants

Unparagoned Cat Couture! KAT KULT featured these marvelous tapestry cat pants in a recent article they’ve done on cat tapestry and how the trend has been flooding the catwalks of famous designer houses.

Numbermarket posted a pic of these cat-tastic Tapestry Cat Pants on their Instagram page to remind fashionistas about the Pickwick Vintage Show, a monthly market at ROW DTLA, Downtown LA’s creative city within a city.


Tapestry is a technique that has been used in clothing for hundreds of years, according to KAT KULT. Using felines as inspiration is also nothing new. There are a couple of truly unique vintage cat tapestry garments and feline-forward fashion accessories available online.

Professional drinks hobbyist by day. Devoted Kat Angel at KAT KULT, all the time.

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