Save your sofa from being destroyed while learning how to trim your cat’s nails. Grab hold of your pussy’s sharp claws, if you dare, and give your pussy a catticure! There’s a technique when it comes to trimming a cat’s nails. A quality cat nail clipper is an essential item for any cat owner. Nail trims are great for cats who are getting their nails caught in blankets, on the carpet, or if they are scratching people accidentally, let alone your couch!
Practice marks perfect
Trimming a cat’s nails might take a little practice. You don’t want to hurt your precious kitty by cutting too deep. Get a cat nail clipper that’s easy to use, economic, and one-handed. This allows you to hold your cat as they adjust to the nail-clipping process. Make sure it’s sharp! This is an important priority, since cat nails are hollow and often brittle, making them prone to crush instead of cut.

We absolutely love the sturdy, stainless steel and user-friendly curve of this cat nail clipper from M-Pets. Very few nail clippers for cats are made in South Africa, but M-Pets has been making exclusive, innovative cat gear for the cats of Cape Town and the rest of South Africa’s furry babies since 2012.
Ready, Steady Trim!
NOTE – cats naturally need their nails for defence and for climbing, do not trim off more than is necessary.