It’s well known that catnip is a type of feline intoxicant that turns cats into stoned citizens, but what effect does it really have on our feline friends?
Collectively, cat lovers recognize the plant’s potency and use it in various ways. Most cats willingly accept catnip as an antidote to boredom but not all cats feel the effects of catnip.
Is Catnip safe or dangerous?

The effects of catnip are generally considered safe for cats. While there may be physical repercussions from inhaling the small, dusty particles of dried catnip or eating rough stems of the plant, catnip is usually just fine for cats.
That being said, the effects of catnip can lead a cat into dangerous situations. Running, chasing, climbing, darting, rolling around, and other forms of feline folly can have disastrous consequences. Practice a “rave safe” policy when exposing your cat to catnip. Make sure the doors and windows are closed, nothing heavy can be tipped over, and all sharp objects are put away.
The origin of catnip

Catnip comes from the same family as mint. It’s a leafy green plant adorned with small white flowers. It’s easy to plant and your cat can enjoy it fresh or dried. Get a catnip growing kit or simply purchase a bankie of already dried catnip for immediate enjoyment.
The high and low effects of catnip

Catnip contains nepetalactone, an organic compound found in the leaves and stems. It’s an oil that switches on certain pleasure buttons inside a cat’s brain. Widely regarded as a type of aphrodisiac for cats, nepetalactone can either make a cat behave wildly or lounge around in a state of temporary euphoria, similar to the effect CBD has on cats.
How long does the effect of catnip last?

Luckily, the effects of catnip only last about 10 minutes. If used too much, a cat can become insensitive to it. Often, a simple sniff of catnip can do the trick, but eating it can also work. If you spray a cat toy or fill one with dried catnip, you’ll have to do it again as the oil wears off after some time.
Most cats experience the positive effects of catnip, but there are some who completely ignore it. In fact, whether or not your cat enjoys catnip comes down to inherited autosomal traits. Kittens younger than a few months typically do not feel any effects of catnip, but they may eventually experience the radness that comes with the magical plant.
Catnip is a mosquito repellent

While catnip entices felines to play, the plant also repels mosquitoes. A whiff of catnip spray can make mosquitoes buzz off. Similarly, cockroaches, dust mites, termites, and ticks do not like catnip.
DIY Catnip Grow Kit
Time to take up gardening and grow some catnip for you and your cat!

Order a KAT Nip Grow Kit, designed by the humans at KAT KULT.