February Is Cat Health Month

Cats have a special month of glory where humans can celebrate their stubbornness, independence, and selective self-sustainable being. We grant you February; National Cat Health Month where every cat owner has to make sure that their fur ball really is healthy and full of wellness.

During the month, cat parents are asked to give extra attention to their cat’s physical and mental well-being. It’s also a good time to educate yourself on the signs that your cat may be dealing with an illness or an underlying health issue. 

To assist you in helping to make an impact on your cat’s health during February, here are some helpful tips from our cat specialists.

Visit your veterinarian for a check-up

Life in the Mother City can get busy and you can sometimes miss getting your furry family member in for a check-up. Cat Health Month is the perfect time to do it! Yearly veterinary exams are very important. They say one year to a cat is like seven years for humans and that means a lot can change in such a short time for our pets. Yearly veterinary check-ups are vital to catching health problems before they get beyond the point of intervention.

Keep your cat entertained with a new toy

Emotional health for your cat is just as important as physical health. Investing in a new cat toy can help improve your kitty’s mood while keeping their mind sharp. Go ahead and bag something special for yourself. Self-care has been perfected by cats and humans can all do with a bit of “cat therapy” every so often!

Spend extra time with your cat

Capetonians are quite aware of the fact that everyone arrives at least half an hour late for any social gathering. During the month of Feb, take the extra hour you have to make sure your cat is happy, as in REALLY happy. Depression can occur in any animal, and cats aren’t immune to it. It’s key to keep an eye on any abnormal behaviour or a change in appetite that your cat exhibits. If something is amiss, try and cheer the litter tiger up with some full-spectrum CBD treats for cats. CBD for cats is fantastic in that it works with your feline’s endocannabinoid system to promote good health. When extracted and used in oils, chews and other products, CBD for cats can potentially assist with a variety of different conditions including calming, relaxation, and potentially even osteoarthritis pain relief for cats. Once again, may we remind you about self-care?

Adopt a cat if you don’t have some already

Cape Town is a playground for cats of all kinds. February is the perfect month to adopt a furball kitty cat if you don’t have one already. Not only will you provide a homeless kitty with a place to call home, but you will also help out the overflowing cat shelters across Cape Town. On top of that, you will do yourself a favour by signing yourself up for a future full of happiness and joy. What greater gift than the love of a cat? There is none…

Professional drinks hobbyist by day. Devoted Kat Angel at KAT KULT, all the time.

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